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From cam
07-03-2022   (18:27:23)

In the face of a changing marketplace SAM has proved once again that it is the first, the best, and the most obvious choice for aircraft modellers. With over four decades of publication behind it, and an editorial team committed to providing the broadest possible coverage of the hobby no other magazine has provided such stability and continuity through these challenging times, and we continue to build on this reputation month on month with a balanced content of news, reference material, and modelling to offer the reader not only choice but the inspiration on which to base it.

Our historical and reference pieces are widely respected for the coverage they offer, and collected by readers for their ground-breaking research. Our monthly centre-section offers a one-stop precis of aircraft types based on the old 'Profile' series, but updated with colour artwork and scale drawings, while Colour Conundrum draws on original Air Ministry documentation to offer new ideas for well-covered subjects, often with unique insights into camouflage and markings.

From first-time builders to competition winners, SAM has something for everyone, showcasing techniques and products, and demonstrating skills and ideas that can turn an everyday model into a show-stopper. Always inclusive, our core modelling content is aimed at all skill levels and disciplines. There is no 'right' way to build a model. We each assimilate skills and ideas to suit our own tastes, and no publication is better attuned to what its readers want and need from a magazine. Make SAM your choice!

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From tom
15-04-2021   (14:12:37)

Convair B-36D Peacemaker

Convair B-36D/F/H/J Peacemaker - American ten-engine strategic heavy bomber, developed from the earlier B-36B. The main difference was the installation of four additional General Electric J-47 jet engines with a thrust of 5,200 lbf each (23kN), which significantly improved basic characteristics such as speed and range. In the history of aviation, this was almost the only case of building a multi-engine aircraft with mixed power plants.
This feature gained it the slogan "Six turning, four burning".

With later modifications, its radar equipment was significantly improved and also its protective weapons optimized.
The combat service of the more than 300 aircraft built lasted until 1959, when they were completely replaced by the famous Boeing B-52 Stratofortress. None of them ever took part in any of the military conflicts of its time, but the B-36 rightly justified its name as the main preserver of peace in the world in the first decade of the Cold War.

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From cam
11-04-2021   (17:34:25)

Scale Aircraft Modelling is the Number one selling Aircraft Modelling magazine, with world-class content. Every month SAM is packed with build features, news, reviews, and in-depth research articles. We cater to every taste in aircraft modelling, from 1/144 to 1/24 and from the earliest days of aviation to contemporary aircraft.

Every month our team of authors from around the world, including many award winning modellers, not only show you the very best in aircraft modelling, but invite you to their bench to show you how and why they do techniques, ,helping the reader to build their arsenal of skills and produce their own scale masterpieces. Their articles are clearly laid out, and easy to follow with step by step text and photos explaining every part of the process and the choices and decisions made by the modeller, as well as things to look out for in the kit, and ways the build can be improved. We include a mix of 'out of the box' builds as well as builds using aftermarket, to show what can be done with any model, at any budget, whilst always striving for a great model for your shelf.
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